AUTHOR’S NOTE: If you're visiting this blog, then you need not be told that Tony Blair was more or less the entirety of the “coalition of the willing.” However, what is not so obvious is the revolving-door policy top neo-conservatives have when it comes to employment. In other words, try as we might, we the people of the world cannot seem to rid ourselves of people like Tony Blair and Paul Wolfowitz. Both men have lost their jobs recently - in Wolfowitz’s case he’s lost a couple - only to re-emerge elsewhere in another position of power. Look it up for yourself, you’ll see. Curiously enough though, it’s not entirely clear what Tony Blair’s current job is. If he is the quartet’s “Mid-East Peace Envoy,” then why was he not involved at Annapolis? Of course this also leads to questions about the "quartet's" [specifically Russia and the U.N.]actual role in the peace process. I heard rumors Blair was “advancing economic development in the Palestinian territories,” but that’s about it. So what is Tony doing over there? As you ponder that question, watch the video below of the “coalition of the willing” in action.