Thursday, December 6, 2007
Sen. Trent Lott: "Yeah, Kids Die in War"
BIGBUX, VA…12/06/07 12:15pm EST…Officials for U.S. Senator Trent Lott (R MS), who recently submitted his resignation effective year end, announced today that on January 1, 2008 he will become Chairman of the Board and CEO of Dirty Deeds, Inc., a multi-billion dollar U.S. security contractor providing war services in Iraq. While boarding his private Boeing 777, Lott was quizzed about the ethics of the timing, to which he responded, “Yeah, kids die in war, but I can’t think about that, I’ve got shareholders calling me.” Lott then chided President Bush for “not being aggressive enough with Tajikistan over its desire to acquire nuclear tipped spears.” Lott added, “Unless you’re speaking in reference to Senator Larry Craig, dirty bombs are not our biggest threat.” Asked to explain, Lott added “You know what, I get paid by the body, so all I can say is, yeah, Iraq and Afghanistan aren’t fun, but Tajikistan’s different…those people are totally backwards."