BISMARCK, ND…12/08/07 7:15am EST…Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld appeared this morning on the popular television show “Good Morning Bismarck.” Rumsfeld, a last minute replacement for “Tiny Thelma’s Tin Can Band,” was challenged by host Anita Biscuit about misinformation promulgated in the lead up to the Iraq War. Stated Rumsfeld, “If I have to plant it myself, we’re still gonna find yellowcake.” Asked to “Say more about that stuff,” Rumsfeld stated, “I can do better than that.” Holding up a rumpled paper bag, Rumsfeld stated, “Saddam’s yellowcake is in here, in my…umm, briefcase.” Asked by Biscuit if he brought “enough yellowcake for everyone,” Rumsfeld responded “Well, okay, but this stuff aint easy to find."