COALBURG, WEST VIRGINIA… 12/04/07 9:11AM…On Tuesday morning Vice President Dick Cheney traveled to West Virginia’s coal country to read his new children’s book
Run, Fire Bombs Are Falling to a group of disadvantaged preschoolers. However, midway through the reading, Cheney alarmed handlers and children alike when he began speaking incoherently, tearing pages from the book, chiding the children for being “traitors” and then seeking their enlistment in the Army. After a short break, he asked the children if they knew “Iran killed Santa,” to which one child responded “You smell like Shrek.”
AUTHOR'S NOTE: What happened to Dick Cheney? At some point, a long time ago, he was probably a good guy. But somewhere along the line he became seriously sidetracked. So sidetracked in fact, that I guarantee the founding fathers would have major problems with him. So what is it about D.C. that turns seemingly normal people into meglomaniacs? Is it the power? Prestige? Delusions of grandeur? Isolation? Constant attention? Greed? Seriously, what destroyed Cheney's soul? Watch the video below to see what he's become.