KINLOVE, WV…12/09/07 6:27pm EST…Republican Presidential candidate Rudolf Giuliani’s first wife, second cousin, and third headache this week, Regina Peruggi-Giuliani, is seeking support for the period beginning 1982 up to last week, when their marriage was legally dissolved. Stated Peruggi-Giuliani, “It seems there was a mix up with the divorce. . . I told him to do it, he told me to do it . . . long story short, we were still married as of last week.” Giuliani, who has been married twice since leaving his cousin, has been unavailable for comment. His spokesperson, who was reached by telephone, stated “Yes, Rudy was still married to his cousin Regina . . . but no, he’s not a polygamist.” Ask to explain, Giuliani’s spokesman said “This wasn’t a real marriage . . . it was nothing more than grown-ups playing doctor . . . ummm, at a family reunion.”