SYKO, NEW YORK...12/14/07 4:26pm EST...Acknowledging today his complicity in the media propaganda machine that assisted the invasion of Iraq, sensationalist Bill O'Reilly admitted that he "publicly staked [his] career on WMD being found in Iraq." Stated O'Reilly, "My dismissal needs to happen . . . I have a dinosaur mentality from the 1950s . . . and I'm a man too, so I stand by my statement . . . I said it, I was wrong, and now my career is over." Asked what he planned to do, O'Reilly stated, "I'm a patriot madame . . . and a man of the people . . . I'm going back to my first profession - teaching." Asked where he planned to teach, O'Reilly stated, "Oh I don't know, whereever I can make $10 million a year selling coffee mugs to idiots."
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was in college during the run-up to the Iraq War, and I distinctly remember driving to class one day while flipping the radio stations. Well, I came upon O'Reilly's show, and I'll never forget what he said. O'Reilly said, and I quote, "They will find WMD in Iraq: I stake my career on it." Well, no WMD and Bill's still blathering on our airwaves. I guess his word means nothing. Watch the video below for more of his award winning work.