AUTHOR'S NOTE: Joseph Lieberman has long been digging his own grave, so I won't help him here; not with this note anyway. What I will add though, is that if war is Lieberman's goal, and it appears he has no others, then historically and constitutionally speaking, Lieberman was right to initially choose the Democratic Party. Of course it takes more than a President to go to war, but looking back through history, America entered WWI under Democratic President Woodrow Wilson and then WWII under Democrat Roosevelt. However, after WWII, our enlightened politicians rid themselves of the pesky constitutional requirement of Congressional declaration of war when they ushered-in the new era of military advisorship and police action. During that time, America never actually declared war against another nation, but nonetheless we entered the Korean and Vietnam "Wars" under Democratic President Eisenhower; and of course Democrats Kennedy and Johnson escalated Vietnam. What came next though, was truly revolutionary, and it's called the Presidential War Powers Act. Passed by Congress in 1973, the Presidential War Powers Act, which is still in effect today, gives the President unilateral power to use war powers anywhere in the world for up to 90 days, without the slightest bit of Congressional approval. Clearly though, the U.S. Constitution does not authorize such Presidential war powers, and in fact negates them. Thus, one could easily argue that the Presidential War Powers Act is unconstitutional, not only for consolidating war powers into the Executive Branch, but also because it's an end-run around the difficult process of amending the U.S. Constitution. But alas, semantics wins the day as pundits and scabs argue endlessly the "precise" definition of war, and our Supreme Court does nothing about it. Thus, since the time of its passage, the Presidential War Powers Act has enabled America to be at constant "war." As a final thought though, unlike Democrats who declare wars they can actually win, Republicans declare un-winable, muti-generational wars against things like drugs, poverty and "terrorism." Curiously enough, while these Republican wars have not gone well, they have been very effective at funneling hundreds of billions of tax dollars to people, groups, and an endless list of government agencies, to "fight" these wars. What's the moral of the story here? I'll let you decide, but before you do, watch the short video below of President Eisenhower warning America to beware of its military industrial complex.