RUBY RIDGE, IDAHO…12/14/07 6:42am EST…Broadcasting from her compound in Idaho, best selling author Ann Coulter reached out with a personal request to her shortwave audience. Stated Colter, “Now that my beans and frank are finally gone, what do you, my adoring, gushing fans, think I should do next: More breast implants or an Adam’s apple reduction?” Within moments, a man calling himself "EndOfTime" responded "Getchur tits done." Agreeing, and gushing with flatery, Ann responded, "Okay, that's what I was thinking . . . but the only problem is I still have my man nipples." After a brief moment of thought, Ann laughingly added, "Oh well, I'll just go to some third-world Hell hole and buy some nipples off some third-world bitch that isn't going to use them for anything but overpopulation." Responding gleefully, EndofTime stated "Yeah, those third-world whores deserve what they get." Responded Coulter, "Amen, good buddy."
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hate is a strong word, and like other sensible people, I avoid it as much as possible. However, unlike most the personalities I profile on this site, I do actually hate (M)Ann Coulter. There, I said it - I hate him. He/She represents THE WORST that America has to offer: She's arrogant, culturally devoid, obnoxious, greedy, and the only people more ignorant than her, are her gushing fans. If you doubt that, then please, watch the following video, which hilariously profiles (M)Ann's unedited intellect.